Do the motion sickness symptoms, nausea, lightheadedness, and headache, always indicate motion sickness?
Some individuals may suffer nausea, lightheadedness, headache and other symptoms similar to motion sickness that are caused by certain psychological or medical conditions.
The motion sickness symptoms that a person experiences can differ from one person to the next person and may differ from one episode to the next. Usually, though, a person knows what their individual symptoms are and becomes very anxious as their symptoms begin to appear. As an example of similar symptoms, a person may be so afraid of flying, that just being in a plane causes anxiety and nausea. The PUMA METHOD cannot help these individuals or others where motion intollerance is not the cause. If your symptoms persist, even after doing the PUMA METHOD for several weeks, it is important to consult your physician to find out what may be the true cause of these symptoms. Puma Method habituation exercises cannot help with morning sickness.
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